
Games to Watch: Tuesday #BeachTales

The Tuesday edition of Games to Watch.  If you have some time on the fields, here is what Ravi and DP think you should check out.

8:00 – Field 1 – KEN vs UAE Open – This one is on the livestream. Both teams have each had a win against Qatar and this should be a […]

By |March 10th, 2015|Latest News|0 Comments

Game report – GBR vs NED Mixed: The British perspective. #BeachTales

Games started with a bang this morning at 9am. With the Get Horizontal boys being from Great Britain (myself) and the Netherlands (Ravi) we donned our respective team colours and camped out on the sidelines to now offer our unbiased opinions on the game.

The girls and boys in white started off on offence and within […]

By |March 9th, 2015|Latest News|0 Comments

Game report – NED vs GBR Mixed: The Dutch perspective #BeachTales

Things really kicked off this morning and games got started.  The two Get Horizontal guys watched the game between the Netherlands and Great Britain in the mixed division.  DP lives in the GB and I (Ravi) live in the Netherlands so there will be two posts on different interpretations of this game.  Here is the […]

By |March 9th, 2015|Latest News|0 Comments

Games to Watch: Monday #BeachTales

Here is the first installment of Games To Watch, where the Get Horizontal boys tell you which game to watch in each round.

9:00 – Field 8 – NED vs GBR Mixed – Mainly because #unbiasedreporting.  With Ravi supporting The Netherlands and DP supporting Great Britain, expect an interesting game report on this one.

10:00 – Field […]

By |March 9th, 2015|Latest News|0 Comments

A Friendly Way to Start in Dubai (NED MIX vs AUS MXM) #BeachTales

WCBU officially kicks off tomorrow, but things are already in full swing with many athletes already here acclimating to the Dubai weather and getting their final practice reps in before putting it all on the line next week.  Walking through the JBR Beach in Dubai I saw all kinds of teams from Canada, The Philippines, […]

By |March 7th, 2015|Latest News|0 Comments

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